어느새, 1월도 다 지났음을 파악하지 못하는 나를 위해.
2010년 중 아직 '시작'이란 말을 붙여도 된다고 생각하는 나를 위해,
"신년계획? 뭐 하던 데로만 하면 되지..."하던 의기소침해하는 나를 위해,
혹은 시간에 대한 의식을 뒷전에 미루어두었지만,
종체 떠나지않는 아쉬움으로 하루를 버무리고 있을 그 누군가인 당신을 위해.
사무실에서 조용히 자막을 읽고 따라합시다.
"Pardon our dust"
The Nike Courage campaign was developed at Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, by creative directors Dan Wieden, Alberto Ponte, Jeff Williams, creatives Jelly Helm, Steve Luker, and Hank Corwin, executive producer Ben Grylewicz, and agency producer Endy Hedman.
Filming was shot by Ralf Schmerberg via Radical Media, Santa Monica, with executive producer Donna Portaro and producer Ben Schneider.
Research and clearance for footage use was done by Susan Nickerson, Lizzy Eves and Dan Kern.
Online editing was done at Vendetta Post, Santa Monica. Audio post production was done at Lime Studios, Santa Monica.